There are plenty of ways to send large files online, so how do you choose the best one? File transfer sites can talk a big game but, when you weigh the alternatives and compare them head-to-head, Smash comes out on top every time.
Smash vs WeTransfer
How does WeTransfer compare with Smash? Here’s how the two stack up when it comes to speed, security, price, and user experience.
Smash vs TransferNow
Whether comparing free tiers or premium offers, storage or Outlook integration, we compare Transfernow and Smash to see which comes out on top.
Smash vs SwissTransfer
What's the most important differences between two file transfer services and how to find the best for your needs? Read how we compare SwissTransfer and Smash.
Smash vs TransferXL
Sending a file should be easy, secure, and lightning fast. In the competition between Smash and Transfer XL which service is out in front?
Smash vs Filemail
Personalization, user management, speed, security, upload limits, pricing and API access – here’s how Filemail compares to Smash.
Smash vs Dropbox Transfer
What’s the difference between Dropbox Transfer and Smash? Here’s how the two compare on price, speed, security, file size, and customization.